Saturday, February 27, 2010


Matthew 15: 29 Jesus went on from there and walked beside the Sea of Galilee. And he went up on the mountain and sat down there. 30 And great crowds came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute, and many others, and they put them at his feet, and he healed them, 31 so that the crowd wondered, when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled healthy, the lame walking, and the blind seeing. And they glorified the God of Israel.
In light of this passage, I have been thinking (and praying for) the various people in my church family who had/have serious illnesses.

The Holy Spirit has impressed upon me this thought: The bringing of the sick and diseased to Jesus was an act of worship. These phrases caused me to see it this way:
  1. "great crowds came to him, bringing with them"
  • Do we not bring to the Lord, not just our sick, but, all things that we can do nothing about. Worship recognizes the One with whom nothing is impossible. Worship confesses our helplessness and His great power to, save, heal, change the course of events, etc.
  1. "and they put them at his feet"
  • Is this not a recognizable act of worship. We lay things at Jesus' feet all the time. I have prayed and heard others pray, "Lord we lay this - whatever - at your feet."
  1. "the crowd wondered, when they saw"
  • Is not worship a time of wonder and awe at the mighty majesty of the Lord. We see him high and lifted up in all his mighty deeds.
  1. "And they glorified the God of Israel"
  • And now they respond in the only way that would be appropriate, they glorified God.
Is there anything too hard for the Lord to do? Don't hesitate, bring those hard things and place them at his feet. Then be prepared to wonder and and glorify the Lord of Israel!


  1. You have really encouraged my faith to really bring all my medical/physical ills to His feet. Especially right now as it's been so very difficult going through these medication changes. I feel a new lightness on my mind and shoulders, just knowing and praying: "Lord Jesus, I'm leaving all of this at Your feet. Please take control of my mind and body as I go through these medication changes that have been so distressing. I'm also praying and leaving at Your feet all the fear of the unknown diagnosis of so many medical abnormal test results and the fact the doctors don't have any answers yet. For all I know I just may wake up tomorrow totally healed from them all. And even if I'm not, then I know that You will give me the grace to bear with grace that what You have allowed in my life. Thank you Lord Jesus, I leave these cares and those private cares at Your feet." Amen

  2. Whether in sickness or in health, my love, I will always be placing you at the feet of Jesus, for both his healing power and sustaining power. I love you!


All encouraging and edifying comments welcome!