Thursday, February 25, 2010


Psalm 24:2 My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad.

Usually the word boasting conjures up images of the proud and arrogant, but in this context it is not something to be rejected. Why? Because of the object of the boast! If my soul boasts in my accomplishments what do I have? If God’s word is any indication, what I am boasting in is “filthy rags”. If I boast in my position in this life what do I have? It means nothing since all are under the judgment of God, both the rich and the poor.

Even a Christian has nothing to boast about in his or herself. As Paul says in scripture, For what do we have that has not already been given to us. He also said this (paraphase), who am I, who are you, but those who sow and water. But God gives the increase! Everything in this life owes itself to One being and to Him alone.

But now, what if I boast in the Lord? Now that is a different story. Why? As I said before, because of the object of my boast! He is worthy of all boasting, He created me, I live, move, and have my being because of Him, He chose me before the foundations of the world, He died for me, He lives and intercedes for me, the list could go on and on!

The Psalmists makes clear by his choice of words that his soul boasts "IN THE LORD".

And in the second portion he speaks of the humble, “let the humble hear and be glad.” Humble people are the opposite of the prideful and arrogant. They are the only ones who hear and are glad when the Lord is being boasted about.

Have you listened to some good boasting lately? Have you done any good boasting lately?

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